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Alone or not



Ceramics, xuan paper, electronic device 


Dimensions variable 





就如我渴望被人理解卻又不想被眾人理解 。







"I have been struggling for a long time.

whether the contradictions in the world are destined or not,

whether I want to be alone or not ."


"Alone or not" is a series of ceramic installation made of paper clay technique on dried flowers. These devices are about the struggle when Wan Wing Ki, Vicky faced her solitude. She recorded the solitary moments while she was studying abroad. Wan displays the contradictions of being alone through a motion sensor device and used the flower as the media to reflect her feeling. The five plants and the sentences selected from her diary shows the situation and emotion when she was alone. 


Do the words want to be read or not?  This is hide-and-seek, Once you come closer, I move, then you could finally find out the clue.


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