WAN Wing Ki, Vicky (HK,b.1998)
尹穎琪 Vicky Wan畢業於香港浸會大學視覺藝術學院。在2019年初,尹氏曾於瑞士蘇黎世藝術大學作海外交流,主修陶瓷倒模。畢業後現職為陶作家和陶藝導師,曾於多間中小學策劃短期陶藝課程並於香港賽馬會「手作確幸」計劃擔任陶藝導師。尹氏於2021年與友人成立藝術團體——遺物製造所About Leaving,主力以文藝角度及藝術媒介推廣生死教育 ,並於2024年受邀出版書籍《祝 死亡愉快 》。
另外,她於2023年創立個人陶瓷品牌-溫地Kiln Wanday,以溫潤雅緻之美與好玩好用的概念為創作的理念,她的器物和藝術作品亦曾在蘇黎世和香港的展覽中展出,在近年活躍於不同的藝術企劃和聯展。
WAN Wing Ki, Vicky works with installation, mixed media and mainly with ceramics.
Wan undertook her bachelor’s degree in Hong Kong Baptist University Academy of Visual Arts recently and has also been to an exchange programme at Zurich University of the Arts, Switzerland during 2019, majoring in ceramic molding. Her ceramic works have been exhibited in the Apéro project and joint exhibitions in both ZHdK, Switzerland and Hong Kong. WAN usually gets inspiration from her surroundings, daily practice and Japanese philosophy. She believes art is the fragment of a person, in which people can reshape and reorganize. Therefore, her artworks mainly discuss and connect to the concept of self, serendipity, and the community. She is sensitive to the emotions of others and herself. She believes her ceramics as well as the heart-warming texture and down-to-earth character of the clay, can tell stories and bring warmth and comfort to the audience.
Wan is currently working as a ceramicist and ceramics instructor. she has organized short-term pottery courses in several primary and secondary schools and served as a pottery instructor in the Hong Kong Jockey Club ''Handmade Wellbeing'' Youth Craft Education Programme. In 2021, Wan and other two artists founded the art group” About Leaving” which focuses on promoting life and death education from a literary perspective and art media, About Leaving was also invited to publish the book "Happy Death Day" in 2024. In addition, she founded her personal ceramic brand Kiln Wanday in 2023, with the concept of gentle and elegant beauty as well as fun and easy-to-use concepts as the creation philosophy. In recent years, she has been active in different art projects and joint exhibitions.
2016 - 2021
Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in VA
Academy of Visual Arts
Hong Kong Baptist University
2018 - 2019
(2nd Sem )Bachelor of Art Education
Zurich University of the Arts
2010 - 2016
The Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education
HKFEW Wong Cho Bau Secondary School
2024 Mar
- Book Writer
(祝 死亡愉快 Happy Death Day )蜂鳥出版
2023 Dec
- Art Director & Singer
(String Detached Music Concert )
2023 Jan- Present
- The Founder
(溫地 Kiln Wanday )
2022 Apr
- Workshop Co-creater
(8th Touch Art Festival 2022)
2021 Nov- Present
- The Founder
(遺物製造所 About leaving)
2021 Nov
- Workshop Co-creater
(deTour 2021 Design Festival )
Creative Workshop -About Room for urns
2024 -《在窿裡》A LONE 楊子敬X尹穎琪 陶藝聯展.Hong Kong
2023 - 《 白脈幻境》植木鉢及植物展.Hong Kong
2023 -《從工藝到生活》展覽.Hong Kong
2023 -《溫潤之地》尹穎琪-器物個人展覽 .Hong Kong
2022 - 《原味 》Original Exhibition.Hong Kong
2022- 《有時》A Time 陶藝聯展.Hong Kong
2022- 《陌生・陌死》遺物製造所聯展 Living & Leaving .Hong Kong
2022- 一本地陶咖啡杯聯展.Hong Kong
2021- 賽馬會「手作確幸」年度展覽.Hong Kong
2021- Do a dear/楊潔婷X尹穎琪 陶藝聯展.Hong Kong
2021- 【 Design Made in Hong Kong - Exhibition 】
Milan - Hong Kong Design: New Forms and Functions in Parallel with Italian Iconic Works .Hong Kong
2021-《電影咁》Cinethesize.Hong Kong
2020 - 香港浸會大學視覺藝術院本科畢業展 2020 .Hong Kong
2019 - 《漸》Fading .Zurich,Switzerland
2019 - 火炭的天空//藝舍陶藝展.Hong Kong
2018 - 視覺藝術學院新生展.Hong Kong
2017 - 藝有所行年度匯演暨作品展.Hong Kong