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Can't go Back , 




Acrylic paint on foam board



Dimensions variable 

Can’t go back illustrates a unique way of communication between individual viewers and objects. By selecting different materials to combine and redefine, WAN Wing Ki, Vicky finds the perfect perception of the manhole cover. By participating in the project The Lonely Arts by Yan Yu, each manhole cover can be taken care and treasured in its own viewpoint by various audiences.

《點》描繪了觀察者與對象之間的一種特殊交流方式。通過選擇不同的物料進行組合和重新定義,我重塑巿區渠蓋的面貌,找到了那一個完美合乎我感知的角度。透過參與Yan Yu的《用最溫柔的文字換最孤獨的藝術作品》計劃,各收藏者也能按照自己的觀點找到對他們來說角度剛好的點。


 *攤位照為Yan Yu所拍攝

© 2020 by WAN Wing Ki Vicky. 

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